Custom Bobblehead – Difference Between Polyresin and Polymer Clay

Wedding Couple Bobblehead

China has been manufacturing and producing custom bobble heads for the United States for many years. Some providers said their custom bobblehead are made in USA. That is not true. In fact most of them are just a “middle man”, as they past the orders to China factory and the factory send the final product back to them, finally they send the doll to the customer.

When the market for custom bobblehead took off, Chinese factories that specialized in mass produced sculptures quickly adjusted to take part in this upward and profitable trend. These factories were well versed in the use of polyresin material and were able to seamlessly switch to custom bobble heads production. It is a good choice as long as there is large production that runs of 100 pieces or more. But when goes to the customer who is looking for a single piece of bobblehead? The use of polyresin is not an best option due to the high cost of the material. Now let us have a look at the two types of materials that are being used in the production of custom bobble heads and discuss the pluses and minuses of each.


Polyresin is a highly customizable compound resin compound. It has been used for many years to create figurines, statues, and sculptures. With its highly customizable characteristics, it allows for the finished product to be highly detailed in all aspects of the design. The strength of polyresin is also very desirable. When used in the production of these products, the end result is durable, Most of the mass produced custom bobble heads that you see on the market or at giveaways at baseball stadiums are made with polyresin material.

Polymer Clay:

With the advent of the single piece personalized bobbleheads, a material needed to be identified that could be used to affordably create the single pieces that people desired. The material that has been widely used in industry is polymer clay. Polymer clay is created by the polymer called polyvinyl chloride (or PVC). While the word “clay” is used in the name of polymer clay, it does not contain any clay materials. It gets its name more from the clay like properties that it possesses. As is with any clay material, it is highly sculptable, workable and quite inexpensive. In fact, anyone can walk into any art and crafts store and purchase polymer clay on the shelf. If you are looking to have single piece custom bobble heads made, chances are that your product will be made from polymer clay.

So, which is better? As mentioned, polyresin is a very durable, customizable material and is very sturdy, but is quite expensive. If looking for single piece personalized bobbleheads, one piece could cost you around $200. With polymer clay, you will get the same customization but at the expense of structure strength. Imagine if you created a statue using clay that you purchased from your local arts and crafts store. It will harden over time, but will still have some pliability. The cost of polymer clay custom bobble heads is in the neighborhood of $100.

What’s more, since Polymer Clay sculpts with the finished product, so its color is the color of the clay, which makes the final product brighter, true 3D likeness and higher quality. However, if made with poly resin clay, they bake and mold the dolls, and then apply paint – and that’s your doll.

What it comes to you is: do you want a durable product or one that will cost less money but it is actually brighter, true 3D likeness and higher quality? The former is like a stone with little value while the later one will give you much value though it is a little fragile like an easter egg.

For more details about Polymer Clay Custom Bobblehead, Please visit our website